I came across a great article in today's
Washington Post about this year's
Army Ten Miler. The article "
Running with Honor", written by a local ATM runner, told the story of how emotionally overwhelmed he became when he began to pass young Iraq war veterans who were running the race on their prosthetic limbs. He also encountered a team of "Gold Star Wives" who lost their husbands in the war. No matter what your politics (which unfortunately the author got into towards the end of the column) the story was really moving and it just showed how cathartic running can be both physically and emotionally.
Side note: The ATM is one of my favorite races in this area...even though it was the Army 11.2 miler last year. I've run it for the past three years (~1:32 in 2005, 1:34 in 2004, 1:42 in 2003) but I missed it this year to run the
Steamtown Marathon up in Scranton, PA (4:42).
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