Sunday, October 29, 2006

Marine Corps

4:32:04 not a PR, but 11 minutes faster than Steamtown and 20 minutes faster than my 2005 Marine Corps Marathon. I'll take it. But I'm not jumping at the opportunity to run another marathon any time soon. I think a 1 month rest period is in order and then I'll re-evaluate.

Details of the race to follow when I've had sleep and my brain cells stop revolting along with all of the other cells in my muscles.

Top 10 Things I learned today:
1. I can be injured in one place - shins and knees somewhat - feel FINE there but have an entirely new injury pop up mid race - my index and middle toes on my left foot...weird
2. Chugging three powerades after crossing the finish line is NOT a good idea
3. Don't start out too fast...actually I knew that, I just didn't listen to my own advice and paid for it later
4. Oranges really are the best food ever created
5. Seeing friends on the race course makes an entire hour of running worth while
6. A husband really loves you if he runs the last 6 miles with you and just talks to you because you're too tired to "answer questions"
7. Marines DO know how to organize a after-party, not so much
8. A headwind, CAN change directions every couple of minutes to make sure it hits you right in the faces when you change directions
9. Sweat turns into a thin salty coating quickly when a headwind (see 8) is coming at you for fours hours
10. I love marathon medals

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