Sunday, January 07, 2007

Global Warming...nooooo

There's something wrong when it's nearly 70's degrees by 8:30 in the January. I had to dig out my summer running gear so I wouldn't overheat during my morning long run. I did a 12 miler with the husband of a friend and two of his friends. I ended up running with one of the guys, Mike, most of the time since the other two guys were either too fast or to slow. Mike, a former Army guy kept me to a solid 10 min pace (left...left...left, right, left) which was a little tough because I've been running faster than that lately. But it was good because I got to impart some long-distance running wisdom such as:
  • If it's warm, take a sip of water ever 2 miles, dehydration will zap all energy.
  • When you get to a hill, look down, shorten your strides and bear down, you'll be at the top in no time.
  • Keep talking while you run, it'll make the time go faster.
  • The 20 degree rule- it feels 20 degrees warmer than the outside temp when you're running. So dress in layers and be prepared to shed layers when running, and then put them back on when you finish (and realize how cool it is).
The fun part for me was to encourage someone to keep running and still get in my 12 miles.

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