Saturday, February 17, 2007

Cross Country skiing/ice skating

When you get to the 20 mile run, you pray for good conditions and healthy legs. Thankfully, I had one of the two. I had my new custom-made inserts to help keep my knees and feet in line, but the ice chunks and choppy course definitely wore me out. The worst part was that our fastest mile was two minutes slower than my normal mile and the average mile was three and a half minutes slower! There wasn't a single mile that didn't have us running on ice or snow or jumping over mounds of ice or crossing dangerous slick hills.

The course had us running on trails that would have been gorgeous on any other day...but not with this weather. I doubt that there were any good trails out there this weekend.

Total miles: 20 (though felt like more with all of the side to side)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Doing the ice dance

We only had time for 3 miles, but it was a very careful down and back to the Jefferson Memorial since it was the only path with clear sidewalks.

Total miles: 3

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

ice pellets

Icey sloppy yucky stuff falling from the sky. Schools and the feds all closed early. No Pacer's for me tonight.

Monday, February 12, 2007

mix it up

Monday lunch-time run. We had a little more time and tacked on an additional 1/2 mile to do a nice 4 mile run on the mall area. We discussed the impending snow, but for the first time in a few weeks it actually felt warm outside.

Total miles: 4

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hills in DC

Rox is back. She kept saying she was out of shape, but she's doing great. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to train for an Ironman. We did the same loop I had done the week before during lunch, throwing in that State Dept hill. Though my shins are hurting, think it's time for new shoes.

Total miles: 3.5 miles

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

too cold to run

I have a rule, it's hard to stick to it, but if it's below 20 degrees, it's too cold to run. The cold air stings in my lungs and I end up with this "runner's hack" for the next few days. I gave up my Tuesday night run with Pacer's since it was 17 degrees with a windchill that made it feel like it was in the single digits

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hill Training...on a long run?

The National Marathon has a big hill that we have to climb around mile 19 so this long run had a few BIG hills thrown in to add the extra challenge. I don't mind hills too much, I tend to attack them, but they certain take their toll on my knees and hamstrings.

This long run took us through Del Ray and Old Town, all familiar territory for me. Jo met up with us to to do the last five miles. We ended up doing 6 miles before the rest of the group got there, so we cut the tail end of this course short and turned around at the Wilson Bridge.

Total miles: 18

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Work Day Run

Had to run on my own during lunch since Roxanne was still recovering from her concussion. I hate running with the ipod, but I kept it low and made my loop around the WWII memorial and the Lincoln. I took a different way back up by the State Department to get in the little hill.

Total miles: 3.5 miles

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

oops wrong turn

Tuesday night fun run with Pacer's, thankfully it wasn't as cold as it has been. I dressed in layers, and was stripping them off less than 3 miles in. Jo and I have been cutting the roughly 5.5 mile long route short and only doing 4 miles the past few weeks, but I made the brilliant suggestion to "keep going a few more blocks and then turn". Little did I know that the ridge in Del Ray cuts at that one turn and then you're stuck going the whole way. I had thought I wanted to do the whole route but knew Jo's knees were recovering from physical therapy that morning. She was a trooper and did the whole thing at a great pace!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Finally feeling like Janaury

Cranking up the miles with the Pacer's fun run marathon team. Our Tuesday/Thursday group has formed four teams to run the National Marathon so we're all on the same general path. I'm probably on the low end of the miles, but I also know that I don't need to do three 20+ milers this time around. Well, my real reason is to save the knees/feet/etc. Brian, the organizer plotted out a great point-to-point course along the Potomac. Some folks did the full 20, I only did 16. I felt a lot better after 16 than I did after 14 though. My knee was only slightly stiff at the very end, but my left foot was still a little sore through parts of the run, not pain, just sore.

Total miles: 16 miles

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mall running

Thursday run with Rox. Just 3 miles down to the Mall and back, there';s nice downhill there and a slight hill on the way back (feel the burn). Her hip was hurting and my toe was aching still so we were a pair. Not a bad run, a little slow...and COLD.

I found this site, a great place to map routes and see the elevation

Total miles: 3

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I hate being late

Somehow time slipped away from me and I left work late which means I got to the Tuesday night Pacers fun run a couple of minutes late. As I was pulling up the group was pulling away. I could see them a block and a half away as I parked. Three blocks away as I stood on the other side of the street and waited for the light to change so I could cross (never jaywalk in Old Town during rush hour). By the time I started running I knew I would have to run as fast as I could to catch up to them. Forget stretching, I just wanted to run with someone, keep my routine. Not stretching was the first bad idea, running on my toes to help with speed was my second bad idea. About half a mile into the room I thankfully caught Jo at the back of the pack. Totally out of breath I asked to stop to stretch a little; my left shin was throbbing, a typical not stretching enough feeling. But then another mile into it as we hit the Commonwealth hill I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time, and didn't ever really want to feel again, I felt an sharp sting in my broken toe. I wiggled my toes a bit and knew I hadn't re-fractured it, but about 30 seconds later it had turned to a dull ache. We stopped and I stretched my foot.
At the 2 mile point we turned to come back down the hills and I walked down the hills to avoid jamming my toes in the toe box of my shoes. Either the ache went away or else is just spread over my left foot and I finished strong.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Finally thawing out

It's finally winter and as if the 30 degree weather wasn't cold enough let's throw in 20-30 mph gusts...BRRRR. The wind chill made it feel like it was in the teens. I always dress in layers when I run in the cold: winter running tights (light fleece lining on the inside) and then a tank, long sleeve wicking top and a light jacket or fleece. And always gloves. My hands get so cold even when it's not this cold. I mimic the "milking the cow" motion to get blood flowing back into my fingertips and warm them up a bit.

Today I ran with the Pacer's fun run group that's also training for the National Marathon. Some folks were on a taper week and only did 8, some others were up to 18. I did a nice steady 14. A very slow first half with some girls and then a much faster second half on my own. The only thing I noticed was that my knees started to ache a little around mile 8 and then at the end they were just flat out tired. I iced a bit when I got home, but I think I need to go see Dr. Kathy again and start up with my leg exercises

Here are some great winter running tips from the marathon guide.

Crazy Runner Thing to Do:
The picture above is from a Chicago University Polar Bear Run. Some how this is a spin off of the polar bear plunge, where crazy people will get in their bathing suits, often for charity, and jump in some body of water with a bunch of other crazy people. This kind of run sometimes involves people wearing their bathing suits and running a 5k-10k in the dead of winter. But this Chicago race involves people wearing their birthday suits and going for a 5k run. Hence the bear is covering his eyes. As for my, I'll keep my fleece earwarmer and stretchy gloves, thank you very much. Here's funny video from YouTube of a Polar Bear trying to work out (also known as why I hate treadmills)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Better than lunch

My co-worker is training for the Lake Placid Ironman and she and I have both been talking about how we need a running buddy to get us motivated to get in a second run during the week. So we've decided to do a regular Thursday run during lunch, just a quick 3-4 miler down on the mall. For me, my goal is to finish a 26.6 miler, her goal is also to finish a 26. miler, but before she even starts running she'll have finished a 2.4 mile swim and a 112 mile bike ride. I don't like walking an extra half mile before a marathon. I am in awe of ironman triathaletes. They have 17 hours (HOURS) to finish the races. The winning men finish it in the mid-8 hours. I can't even begin to imagine...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

baby it's cold outside

Time to dig that winter running gear back dropped nearly 20 degrees on Tuesday! I'm starting my Tuesday night running routine with Pacer's and did 4 miles with Jo. I love the Del Ray route because we get to run up the big hill. I like hills, I push through them and then when I get to the top and my heart is pounding I get to go back down :-)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Running Inspiration

Been working way too late to get in runs...BAD! But this article is a great story about different things that inspired runners in the PF Chang's Rock n Roll Marathon in Arizona. Anything from losing weight, raising money for a charity and qualifying for Boston.

There are 38,000 people running the full and half marathon! That's a HUGE race, but one I'd like to do at some point. If anything, you're never alone, but don't expect to get a fast time because you're always tripping over another runner. The gimmick that sets apart Rock n Roll races is that they have a band every mile, it's a great way to keep you distracted, though if it's a bad band at mile 20 it may not be too inspiring. I ran the Virginia beach half and the bands were good and fun for the runners, though they definitely put the better bands at the very beginning and the end. The organizers, Elite Racing, put on a number of great racers, but here are the other Rock n Roll Races:

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Running alone

I know it's BAD to run with an ipod; you stop paying attention the world around you, you could trip, you could run into something, something could run into you or worse someone could take advantage of the fact that you can't hear them coming up on you. But that being said, my running buddy had to work again so I was set to do 12-14 miles on my I grabbed my ipod and turned on my eclectic "running mix" and hit the trail. There were a lot of folks out running too, but I've found that if I keep the music just soft enough that I can still hear my own footsteps I'm still somewhat aware of my own surroundings. Thankfully I ran into someone else who runs with Potomac Runners (who was out a little later like I was) and we ran the last 3 miles together. Running is such a social sport! I love it. It's fun to be able to chat with someone new about running and life. You could be in totally different places in your life, but you have the shared love of running.

I decided that I'm going to do the Colonial Half Marathon next month. I had wanted to do the Mardi Gras half, but just can't get down to New Orleans for the weekend. I had done the Colonial half a few years ago and even though it was a tough races (very hilly) I had a good time. The other nice thing about this race is that it's at 1pm on a Sunday so I can drive down to the Burg in the morning, run the race, grab some cheese shop for dinner and drive back home.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Global Warming...nooooo

There's something wrong when it's nearly 70's degrees by 8:30 in the January. I had to dig out my summer running gear so I wouldn't overheat during my morning long run. I did a 12 miler with the husband of a friend and two of his friends. I ended up running with one of the guys, Mike, most of the time since the other two guys were either too fast or to slow. Mike, a former Army guy kept me to a solid 10 min pace (left...left...left, right, left) which was a little tough because I've been running faster than that lately. But it was good because I got to impart some long-distance running wisdom such as:
  • If it's warm, take a sip of water ever 2 miles, dehydration will zap all energy.
  • When you get to a hill, look down, shorten your strides and bear down, you'll be at the top in no time.
  • Keep talking while you run, it'll make the time go faster.
  • The 20 degree rule- it feels 20 degrees warmer than the outside temp when you're running. So dress in layers and be prepared to shed layers when running, and then put them back on when you finish (and realize how cool it is).
The fun part for me was to encourage someone to keep running and still get in my 12 miles.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Running is social!

Running pup was a hit at the Pacer's Thursday Fun Run in Old Town. He had his cute reflecto on and was so friendly to anyone who wanted to pet him. Thankfully Jo didn't want to do more than 4 miles (Running Pup's current max) and didn't mind his frequent stops to "water" every plant on old town. He definitely looks sharp in his reflective gear. The picture is of me and running pup after one of our evening runs.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What NOT to do before you run

Do not watch a scary movie or tv show before you head out for a run by yourself.

I came home from work and turned on the tv to my favorite show, CSI. I was getting ready for a run with the pup but got sucked into the show. Of course that particular episode had to be about a serial killer/rapist. Yeah...great...just what you want to think about before you head out for a run. I ended up only doing 2 miles, a very fast two miles, with the running pup. It made me think about getting some of that runner's mace that just velcros right to your hand or water belt.

Info about the jogger's mace: Now Pepper Mace comes in a convenient Jogger Model, designed with a velcro-like strap to fit snugly around hand. Great for runners and walkers. 18 gram stream unit contains 10, one second bursts. Sprays 8-12 feet.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions (athletic)

1. Run 2 Marathons
2. Complete a Tri-athalon
3. Stay injury-free
4. Get at least two friends to run their first marathon
5. Keep up with running blog!